Why do some churches teach water baptism and others don't?  What role does the Holy Spirit play in my life?  Why does it seem like God is not answering my prayers?  Why is there so much suffering in the world?  What do I need to do to be saved...?

If you have questions like these, you are not alone.  Life can be like a wilderness and there are so many different people and different churches presenting different paths to truth.  It can be confusing, and we wonder who we can trust to give us the right answers.

At the Pleasant Run church of Christ, we firmly believe God, through His word, "has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness" (II Peter 1:3).  We believe God can be trusted with giving us sufficient answers to all of our spiritual questions.  If you are a sincere truth seeker, we look forward to sitting down with you and studying what God has revealed, to help you come to a better understanding of His eternal purpose for your life.

You can email us your questions and inquiries here: church@plruncoc.com

Call us to discuss your questions over the phone or to schedule an individual or group study: (972) 227-2598 or contact our minister, Jeremy Koontz directly at (210) 240-1547.

Contact us on Facebook.

or VISIT US at one of our assemblies: 

Sunday Bible Study at 9:20am

Sunday AM Worship 10:20am

Sunday PM Worship 5:00pm 

Wednesday Bible Study 7:00pm

We look forward to meeting you!